We are the academic podcast company.

Cited Podcast Returns

Our first ever podcast, Cited, returned this summer after an extended hiatus. Cited is an award-winning documentary program that tells stories about the politics of science, research, and expertise.

Our latest season, the Rationality Wars, tells stories about the political and intellectual battles to define rationality and irrationality. Behind every definition of rationality, somebody benefits, and somebody is harmed. We ask: what does it mean to be rational?; what does it mean to be irrational?; and most of all, who gets to decide?

You can find a season trailer above, and you can find the entire season on Cited’s website.

The season was a tremendous success. The podcast peaked at #5 on Apple’s charts for US science podcasts, above Neil deGrasse Typson and Sam Harris. We also produced a major three-part series with Canada’s National Observer, as well as an article in Jacobin.

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